A beautiful landscape goes hand-in-hand with a thriving natural ecosystem. One of the best ways to enrich your outdoor space is by planting species that attract birds. Not only do birds add lively movement and delightful song to your garden. But they also play an important role in controlling pests and dispersing seeds.
Choosing Native Plants
When choosing plants, consider native species first. Native trees and shrubs, such as serviceberry, chokecherry, and red osier dogwood, are well adapted to the local climate and soil conditions. These plants produce an array of berries and seeds that serve as a food source for local birds like bluebirds, robins, and finches. Moreover, the natural structure of native shrubs offers shelter and nesting sites, providing birds with a safe haven throughout the year.

Native Ornamental Trees
In addition to native species, consider incorporating ornamental trees that double as bird attractors. For instance, the Eastern Redbud and Flowering Dogwood not only offer beautiful blossoms in spring but also develop berries in the fall. These multi-seasonal plants provide visual appeal while supporting bird populations with food and cover.
Native Perennials

Incorporating flowering perennials into your garden can also make a significant difference. Wildflowers such as coneflowers, black-eyed Susans, and asters are excellent for attracting not only birds but also beneficial insects. Birds are often drawn to gardens with abundant insect activity since insects serve as a key protein source, particularly during the breeding season. By creating a diverse planting palette, you encourage a healthy food chain that supports both pollinators and birds.
Plant in Layers
Another strategy is to plant layers within your landscape. Mixing tall trees, mid-sized shrubs, and low-growing groundcovers creates a natural, layered habitat that mimics wild areas. This diversity not only maximizes space but also caters to different bird species with varying needs for food, shelter, and nesting areas.

Install a Birdbath
Finally, consider adding a water feature. Even a small birdbath can transform your garden into a magnet for birds by providing a reliable source of water for drinking and bathing. Together with bird-friendly plants, water features complete the environment, inviting a variety of bird species to visit and stay.
By thoughtfully selecting a mix of native and ornamental plants and layering them to create a natural habitat, your landscape can become a haven for birds. Enjoy the vibrant, living tapestry that results—a testament to the beauty of nature working in harmony with your outdoor space.
Contact Us
Landmark Landscapes of Sheboygan Falls, WI is a full-service landscape company. Based out of Sheboygan County, with a Green Lake, Wisconsin satellite office. We are centrally located and uniquely positioned to service the areas of Sheboygan, Elkhart Lake, Fond Du Lac County, Green Lake County, Ozaukee County, Manitowoc County, and Door County. We can manage your property with our Total Property Care system, and design and build projects large and small. Contact us today at 920-467-6442 to learn how we can care for you.